How healthy is your cloud security?

Get a free health check that uncovers hidden vulnerabilities across your cloud environments — all without deploying agents.

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What to expect from your health check:
Request a health check and meet with a Prisma Cloud® security expert in just days.
Connect Prisma Cloud to your clouds and scan your environments — no agents or proxies required. We’ll walk you through the onboarding process.
Get a detailed report in less than 48 hours about critical risks like vulnerabilities and hidden attack paths within your clouds.
Gain access to Prisma Cloud free for 10 days to see how you can better prioritize and address critical vulnerabilities across your cloud environments.

Your custom cloud security health report

In 24–48 hours, you’ll receive a customized report about the vulnerabilities that Prisma Cloud has uncovered within your cloud architecture.* In a 1:1 follow-up session, a cloud security expert will walk you through your report findings and talk next steps.

*Time determined by size/complexity of your environment.


Sign up for a free Cloud Security Health Check to spot critical risks across your clouds

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