Palo Alto Networks Launches An All-Inclusive DLP Solution for Enterprises

Nov 10, 2020
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At Palo Alto Networks, we are at the forefront of helping organizations address the world's greatest security challenges with continuous innovation. Today we are excited to announce the launch of our cloud-delivered enterprise-grade data loss prevention (DLP) solution. 

Over the course of the last several months, we have worked hard to bring to life a disruptive, all-inclusive, modern and simple approach to data protection, privacy, and compliance. Our motivations were triggered by our belief that both traditional and cloud-embedded DLP solutions are restrictive and not up to par when taking into account factors such as security capabilities, location coverage, total cost of ownership (TCO), and ease of implementation.

Data security is on the top of every CISO’s mind. Your experience with current DLP solutions has probably resulted in making an excess amount of budgetary investment in hardware infrastructure simply to deploy a DLP solution. Your IT security teams have ostensibly struggled with the complexities that arise from making multiple hardware or cloud-based components work together just to ensure sensitive data remains secure. Your risk teams are likely still struggling to evaluate whether your current DLP solution does in fact facilitate compliance with newly-minted global compliance regulations. And not least of all, you are still trying hard to ensure security at every network location, where your organizational data lives or flows.

Enterprise DLP by Palo Alto Networks 

Palo Alto Networks has entered the data security market to tangibly lift each data protection obstacle organizations face every day as they try their best to continually guard sensitive data from data breaches, compliance issues, and insider threats.

In a world where an expanding remote workforce and its reliance on the cloud are becoming the norm, we believe that enterprise security teams must contend with a strategic imperative of protecting sensitive data assets via a unified approach—Palo Alto Networks is known for stopping threats that lead to data theft, and now securing the data from theft. 

Using cloud-native implementation, our Enterprise DLP is available as a simple, license-activated security service that natively integrates with your standard network security infrastructure or is seamlessly delivered via SASE to help protect your organization’s confidential enterprise data, everywhere. 

The solution effortlessly solves three major data security problems enterprises are inevitably challenged with: 

  • Aids in preventing data breaches by automatically identifying confidential PII and IP data consistently throughout the entire enterprise.
  • Facilitates regulatory compliance by helping your enterprise to meet data security requirements for GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and CCPA.
  • Inhibits risky user behavior to aid in blocking voluntary or involuntary data exposure and data movement. 

Core Capabilities

In data security, inaccurate detection produces false positives, unsustainable incident triaging work, and disruption of normal business processes. In addition, commonalities in data content also require advanced detection techniques that must account for context as well.

Our Enterprise DLP automatically detects sensitive content via machine learning-based data classification and data patterns that leverage over 500+ predefined industry data identifiers. Some examples of these include, but are not limited to—credit card numbers, personal identification numbers, financial records as well as other data privacy and compliance-related nuggets of information. Using proximity keywords and boolean operators, the solution finds sensitive data exposures while maximizing accuracy.

Product Highlights

Ready to go over some key product highlights? Let’s begin.

Comprehensive Coverage: Offering comprehensive data protection, Enterprise DLP extends data security coverage up to 2 times than your current DLP solution to cover all locations: physical and virtual networks, cloud-based workloads—including SaaS at rest, SaaS inline, and cloud native IaaS—and every user’s access, whether on campus, at branch locations, or working remotely.

Time to Value: Deploy Enterprise DLP and scale it across the entire enterprise within minutessaving your IT teams months of implementation headaches. Turn on the solution in as few as 30 minutes to do a proof of concept. 

Complete Visibility: Enterprise DLP provides complete visibility into the entire network and all traffic relieving your IT teams from data security blind spots and shadow IT problems that arise from the partial protections offered by other DLP solutions. 

Consistent Protection: Enterprise DLP delivers consistent policy from a single cloud-based engine making it easy to define data protection policies and configurations anywhere and applying them automatically to every location, where data is. Your IT security team will be spared from reinventing the wheel every time your organization adds a new branch office or adds new users.  

Zero-Delay Updates: Enterprise DLP’s cloud-delivered architecture ensures high efficacy with zero-delay updates. New protections and product updates are applied the instant they are released. No wait times and no delays. 

Natively Integrated for Lowest TCO: Enterprise DLP natively integrated as a service into our existing control points requiring no extra investments from you on proxies, ICAP and additional infrastructure. Lower your TCO by three times!

Enterprise DLP by Palo Alto Networks is our answer to the enterprise market’s need for a simple and fresh approach to data security. As your organization continues its cloud-enabled, remote workforce-led transformation journey, consider our modern DLP solution. It will provide a holistic view of your entire network from a single unified, cloud-delivered engine and help solve your data protection, compliance, and privacy needs. For more information, visit us here and watch the launch event here.

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