Partners: Follow Us on Twitter to Stay Informed

Aug 17, 2015
1 minutes
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For Palo Alto Networks, August is the beginning of a new year. And with a new year comes the opportunity to try new things.

As we look to expand the scale of our go-to-market capabilities, channel partner awareness and adoption of programs, training and tools becomes vital to our future success. To help you, our partners, stay better informed we have created a new dedicated Palo Alto Networks partner Twitter handle @NextWavePartner.

By following us on Twitter @NextWavePartner, you will have access via your smartphone, tablet, computer and even via SMS text message, to relevant and timely information that will help maximize your partnership with Palo Alto Networks.

This is just one of many new things we are going to do this year to drive better partner awareness. Don’t miss out. Kickoff the New Year with Palo Alto Networks by trying something new -- start following us today.


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