Closing the Cybersecurity Knowledge Gap for Your Organization

Mar 02, 2022
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The State of Cybersecurity

Cyber attacks are a daily occurrence. “During 2021, a cyberattack occurred every 39 seconds. The world experienced a ransomware explosion, which will likely continue its upward trajectory in 2022,” says Danny Lopez, CEO of Glasswall. Combating the issue, companies have increased hiring cybersecurity professionals. Though the U.S. unemployment rate recently reached a low of 5.4%, the cybersecurity knowledge gap remains high. Cybersecurity Ventures states cybersecurity employment opportunities increased 350% since 2013. According to eSecurity Planet there are about 435,000 openings in the US alone.

We aren’t telling you anything new. Unemployment is down, but demand is high for cybersecurity experts. 76% of IT decision-makers experience critical skills gaps on their teams – a 145% increase since 2016.

The shortage is not insurmountable, but it takes investing in people, process and technologyespecially people. Research has found technical training and certifications provide a long-term skills gap solution.

Technical Training and Certifications Provide a Solution

Looking outside the traditional mold of a cybersecurity professional, hiring managers are investing in upskilling their entry-level employees and investing in training and retention of senior cybersecurity professionals.

Your well-prepared employees are the best armor in protecting company assets and reducing the cybersecurity professional gap.

According to the Global Knowledge 2021 IT Skills and Salary Report development programs alone aren’t enough to properly skill companies: “The rate of technology change exceeding skills development programs is a leading cause of organizational skill gaps.”

Investing in the right cybersecurity products provides the necessary technology, but it’s the people who deploy, implement and maintain the investments that make the difference. You’ve already invested in hiring employees who might not have all the degrees, but have the drive and interest in cybersecurity as a career. Developing, maintaining and rewarding this workforce might be part of the strategy to solve one of your biggest threats – a lack of cybersecurity talent.

“Give me someone who has the right attitude, behavior, and communication skills who knows how to learn and wants to learn,” said Gerald Chertavian, founder and CEO of workforce development organization, Year Up.

Product Education Helps Close the Gap

When you partner with Palo Alto Networks, you’re partnering with the leader in cybersecurity solutions. You know that our products help your organization increase its security posture. Palo Alto Networks Education Services provide industry-recognized training and certifications to ensure users are well-versed in our products, increasing product adoption and your staff’s ability to stop attacks before they occur.

Our complete portfolio of instructor-led training (ILT), digital learning and certifications deliver the precise learning journeys to educate, develop and validate your cyber defenders' knowledge and expertise. This keeps their skills relevant in today's rapidly evolving climate.

Specifically trained in our products, these highly-skilled employees help decrease the need to hire outside cybersecurity professionals – minimizing the cybersecurity skills gap for your organization and ensuring your staff have the expertise to stop cyber attacks before they compromise your business.

Digital Learning offers over 200 free, self-paced courses online. From fundamentals to more in-depth troubleshooting, these courses deliver the pathway to certification.

Instructor-Led Training is conducted globally in person or virtual, taught by over 200 certified trainers, your always kept current with the latest product releases.

Certifications are considered the measuring tool for validating and demonstrating technical expertise in our Network Security, Cloud, Security Operation Centers and Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solutions.

A recent report from Pearson Vue, a leader in online certification examination proctoring, 2021 Value of IT Certification Report, states that when employers covered the costs for certification, employees were less likely to seek new opportunities outside of the company (74% compared to 87%). This is especially noteworthy given the impact on employee turnover when dealing with a limited availability of skilled cybersecurity professionals.

Through ongoing technical education for entry-level to senior engineers ensures the investment you made achieves your business goals and prepares your organization for whatever comes at you.

Educating the Talent of the Future

Palo Alto Networks training, education and certifications help reduce the skills gap by keeping an employee’s skills fresh and relevant. But, what about the future state of cybersecurity hiring?

Building a pipeline of talent is important when tackling the cybersecurity knowledge gaps. Working with educational institutions from high school through college to offer cybersecurity curricula is the goal of our Cybersecurity Academy – creating a pipeline of cybersecurity talent for the future. Cutting-edge courseware for universities, colleges and high schools, entry-level and intermediate courses and labs integrate easily into degree programs. Aligning with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) standards, they effectively prepare students for successful careers in cybersecurity.

Closing the Cybersecurity Knowledge Gap

Empowering entry-level to senior engineers through ongoing education ensures the investment you made achieves your business goals, preparing your organization for whatever comes at you.

Training provides your cyber heroes with the necessary skills and expertise to thwart security incidents, protect confidential and sensitive data, and keep your business secure from criminal minds.

Certifications ensure your employees retain the expertise you hired them for and have the skills they need to reduce your cybersecurity knowledge gap.

Find instructor-led training or register for Palo Alto Networks certifications that apply to your products.

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