Customers’ Choice: Prisma SD-WAN Rated High on Gartner Peer Insights

Mar 28, 2022
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It’s easy to feel excited this time of year with the winter months finally nearing their end. Here at Palo Alto Networks however, we’re excited for more than just seasonal changes. We are celebrating a big milestone: Prisma SD-WAN has, for the second year in a row, achieved the Customers’ Choice award from Gartner Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’ (VOC) for WAN Edge Infrastructure 2022! Nearly a year ago we received the same award and accomplishment of being the highest-ranked vendor while announcing the newly branded Palo Alto Networks Prisma SD-WAN. Thinking back on the year, I can’t help but reminisce on all the accomplishments we’ve achieved with our customers and our solution.

The Reviews Are In

First let’s start with an explanation of the Gartner Peer Insights rating. Peer Insights is Gartner's peer-driven ratings and reviews platform for enterprise IT solutions. Gartner verifies every review to ensure authenticity. Gartner Peer Insights offers Customers’ Choice distinctions to vendors and products that are highly rated by their customers. The Gartner Peer Insights ‘VOC’ report synthesizes reviews from the previous year, providing insights to help guide IT decision-makers (it’s basically Yelp for the enterprise). I am extremely proud to share that Prisma SD-WAN ranked the highest of all SD-WAN vendors who also ranked in the Leaders category of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure. Additionally, the Peer Insights report revealed that Prisma SD-WAN received other impressive ratings:

  • Overall rating of 4.8/5.
  • 96% of customers reported a "Willingness to Recommend."
  • Only vendor to receive Customers' Choice distinction for Large Enterprise.
  • 4.7/5.0 for Product Capabilities and Service and Support Experience.
  • 4.8/5.0 for Sales and Deployment Experience.

There are many things I take pride in, but few supersede the positive feedback from our customers. I could spend the entire day talking about what our product does right, but it never seems to land as gracefully as it does when the feedback comes from those who use our product in their own environment every single day.

In addition to receiving a high score on the Gartner Peer Insights ‘VOC’ WAN Edge Infrastructure, I am proud to acknowledge that for the second year in a row, Palo Alto Networks was named a Leader in the 2021 Magic Quadrant WAN Edge Infrastructure for our Prisma SD-WAN solution. We are thrilled to have been recognized for our completeness of vision and ability to execute. It feels a rather strong validation of our vision to provide a next-generation SD-WAN solution that is application-defined, autonomous and integrated with best-in-class security.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

When CloudGenix (now Prisma SD-WAN) was founded back in 2013, the name was chosen to represent the Cloud Generation of IT that we served with our next-gen SD-WAN solution. Fast forward to 2020 – in the midst of the pandemic – we announced the acquisition of CloudGenix with Palo Alto Networks. As we merged fully with Palo Alto Networks, it felt only right to transition to a new name, one that represented both Palo Alto Networks and CloudGenix. The brand “Prisma” felt right as it captured the journey that so many of our customers have taken and will continue taking to the cloud. Additionally, we saw something brewing – the convergence of next-generation SD-WAN with Prisma Access. The writing was on the wall, it was only a matter of time before the budding romance between Prisma Access and soon-to-be Prisma SD-WAN turned into a full-fledged relationship. Once we had achieved brand consistency and product integration between the two, Prisma SASE was born.

It has now been a year since we introduced Prisma SD-WAN and I should take a moment to acknowledge the impact that real-life events had on our journey. We all know what the pandemic did to many organizations; the expectation of an in-office only work experience is long gone. While this transition gave many of us the gift of time by saving us from a daily commute, it turned the network and security infrastructure on its head. Cybersecurity needed to become more flexible and dynamic than ever before, and it was clear that security and networking needed to converge in the cloud with secure access service edge (SASE).

Not All SASE Is Created Equal

We watched as our legacy vendors offered disjointed, incomplete versions of SASE. Solutions that required trade-offs between security and network made up of disjointed, multi-vendor offerings. The world deserved better, and we knew how to provide it. So, we launched Prisma SASE, the industry’s most complete SASE solution, converging security, SD-WAN and Autonomous Digital Experience Management (ADEM) into a single cloud-delivered service. Combining the functionality of Prisma Access and Prisma SD-WAN enables customers to easily purchase and deploy SASE from a single offering.

To show the power of Prisma SASE, I’m excited to share the Prisma SASE ROI Calculator. Developed by the Forrester Consulting Group, the calculator provides a real-life financial model for organizations looking to purchase a standalone SD-WAN, network security solution or a complete SASE solution. Given my faith in our product, I’m extremely excited to offer this tool to any customer who is considering a SASE solution, like Prisma SASE, as I am confident that the calculator will yield compelling results. The combination of this new tool, validation from Gartner, and reviews from our customers has been the cherry on top of an incredible year.

Read the Gartner Peer Insights ‘VOC’ WAN Edge Infrastructure 2022 report, and try out the Prisma SASE ROI Calculator to see how Prisma SASE can help provide complete connectivity and security while offering a significant return on investment for your business.


Gartner, Magic Quadrant for WAN Edge Infrastructure, 20 September 2021, Jonathan Forest | Naresh Singh | Andrew Lerner | Evan Zeng

2022 Gartner Peer Insights™ ‘Voice of the Customer’: WAN Edge Infrastructure, 5 February 2021

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