Upgrade Notice for Customers Using PAN-OS 9.0 and VM-Series on Azure

Oct 08, 2019
1 minutes
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Customers using PAN-OS 9.0 and VM-Series on Azure, get ready for Azure Accelerated Networking updates by upgrading to PAN-OS 9.0.4.

With PAN-OS 9.0, VM-Series on Azure introduced support for Azure Accelerated Networking.

If you are using PAN-OS 9.0, please update your existing deployments to version PAN-OS 9.0.4 as soon as possible. The 9.0.4 release provides support for Microsoft updates to Azure Accelerated Networking (AN) that are scheduled to roll out during October 2019 and bug fixes that improve stability. For any new deployment, use PAN-OS 9.0.4 from the Azure Marketplace. VM-Series versions prior to PAN-OS 9.0, i.e. 8.1 and earlier, do not require this update.

You have four options for upgrading to PAN-OS 9.0.4: 

  • Deploy a new VM-Series running 9.0.4 from Azure Marketplace.
  • Upgrade a standalone VM-Series firewall using steps here.
  • Upgrade multiple VM-Series firewalls using Panorama.
  • Upgrade for environments without direct internet access: Download PAN-OS 9.0.4 from the Customer Support Portal and load it directly on the firewalls; refer to the documentation for detailed steps.

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