Securing New Application Architectures in the Cloud: Understanding the Developer Mindset

Sep 17, 2018
2 minutes
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“Get out of the way of your developers or lose them to someone who will.”

– Adrian Cockcroft

The cloud is changing the way developers are building applications. Traditional and well-understood application design principles, where monolithic application code was optimized for and dependent on underlying infrastructure, are giving way to micro-services that are designed to run in the cloud.

Developers rule the cloud world, and they move fast. As Adrian Cockcroft noted, cloud-native services are making it simple, convenient and quicker to build applications. Developers now have access to a host of new IaaS and PaaS services to enable faster development of cloud-native applications, including:

  • Containers as a service (GKE, EKS, and AKS)
  • Functions as a service (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, etc.)
  • Caching as a service; database as a service

These design architectures and methodologies make it easier and faster to develop and deploy scalable apps, and more importantly, are capable of frequent code updates.


What About Security?

Even before the onslaught of new application architectures, securing the cloud wasn’t exactly easy. Operational complexity due to fragmented security approaches, lack of security automation, and human error while managing cloud infrastructure made securing applications in the cloud a hard proposition.

Plus, increasing adoption of new application architectures is leading to additional security challenges for network and security operations teams. Today, teams must:

  • Secure the move to the cloud while maximizing existing investments
  • Align processes, tools, and strategies with developers’ needs in the cloud
  • Keep pace alongside evolving cloud technologies
  • Introduce automation to scale security in the cloud at the speed it requires

All of these require a mind shift. Join our live broadcast on Thursday, September 20th for critical insights and advice from cloud security practitioners and industry experts to help you secure your move to the cloud.

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