Is Your Security Team Ready For Cloud?

Feb 01, 2017
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A version of the following article originally appeared in Dark Reading.

By now, most of us in IT are well aware of the technical and business advantages that moving to a cloud-based data center provides. But there is still a lingering hesitancy among some organizations considering a move to the cloud.

In my experience, most concerns boil down to two factors: a reluctance to put trusted data on a network that’s not on the premises, and confusion around the costs and complexity of moving to the cloud. If that’s what’s keeping an organization from the cloud, I have a few points to share that should help them clear up the “cloudiness” (pun intended) and shine light on the possibilities.

When It Comes To Security, The Cloud Is Ready
If there is one roadblock that keeps IT teams leery about the cloud, it’s cybersecurity. And while cybersecurity will always be a concern, when it comes to the cloud, the industry is well-prepared. Leading public cloud providers, like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, have made significant investments in securing their cloud environments and both companies offer robust security resources to cloud customers via the Microsoft Azure Trust Center or Amazon’s AWS Cloud Security.

Cloud providers are also building an expansive ecosystem of security technology partners who can provide cybersecurity solutions for the public cloud and Software-as-a-Service. These solutions, if implemented as a cohesive platform and not an ad hoc collection of security devices that don’t work well together, can provide a consistent and seamless security experience to both cloud-based and physical networks through consistent visibility, policy, and enforcement across the network regardless of a user’s location. Another plus is the Cloud Security Alliance, an industry consortium of companies that provides excellent resources to help cloud adopters address security concerns and stay up to date on the latest developments in cloud technology.

Are You Ready for the Cloud? Read Frank’s full article at Dark Reading.

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