Ignite 2017: Last Chance to Take Advantage of Early Bird Pricing

Jan 30, 2017
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If you’re serious about security, Ignite is the one event of the year you’ll want to attend.

And who doesn’t like saving a little money in the process? Well, if you sign up before January 31, 2017, you’ll get $200 off the full conference pass price.

Starting February, passes will be full price. That means – sign up today!


Ignite 2017: Vancouver, BC June 12–15, 2017

Ignite is a live, four-day conference designed for today’s security professionals. Hear from innovators and experts, gain real-world skills through hands-on sessions and interactive workshops, and find out how breach prevention is changing the security industry. Visit the Ignite website for more information on tracks, workshops and marquee sessions.


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