Configuration and Change Management in Network Security – Ensuring the Left Hand Knows What the Right Hand Is Doing

Nov 11, 2015
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Multiple security deployments, distributed networks, and several administrators – these are just some of the causes that make it increasingly tough to stay on top of effective security policies, compliance and streamlined management of your network security. Changes in one part of your network may negatively impact the effectiveness of your security in another part, and you may not even be aware of all the changes before they are being committed. It’s a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

The good news is that there are steps any organization can take to make the configuration and ongoing management of security deployments easier and more secure. Network security management streamlines configuration and management, as well as visibility into threats. In addition, security orchestration ensures that all security rules and policies work well together and don’t cancel out each other’s effectiveness.

Let’s take a closer look at network security management and security orchestration, and how Palo Alto Networks and Tufin, one of our technology partners, work together to offer both, providing streamlined, secure, and compliant network security.

Network Security Management by Palo Alto Networks

It all starts with the setup and configuration of your security deployment. Deploying an effective network security management solution that reduces duplication of work and human error, and offers the power to manage all policies with one security rule base, is key in streamlining management of any security deployment.

A good network security management solution, such as Palo Alto Networks Panorama, also provides central visibility into all network traffic and consolidates multiple management consoles into one.

Panorama provides effective and efficient network security management in all of the above areas. Learn more about Panorama.

Security Orchestration by Tufin

While Panorama provides streamlined configuration and management of your next-generation security deployment, the security orchestration suite by Tufin ensures any network changes happen harmoniously across your network and don’t impact security or compliance negatively.

With a security orchestration suite, you can deploy and coordinate not just one security rule base across one distributed security deployment but also multiple security rule bases across multiple security technologies. Security orchestration ensures no changes in your security deployment are being implemented that could jeopardize your security posture or compliance with important regulations.

Learn more about how security orchestration by Tufin can help in your security deployments.

These two solutions are nicely integrated and increase security, compliance, and streamlined management capabilities. Learn more about the combined Palo Alto Networks and Tufin solution.


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