Channel Scoop – October 30, 2015

Oct 30, 2015
2 minutes
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With one day left in the quarter, today’s blog post will be a short channel scoop.


  • In the words of the famous Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over till it's over.”
  • Have a customer that needs a little more data on why they should invest in security prevention? This week the Cyber Threat Alliance, co-founded by Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet, Intel Security and Symantec, released its first joint research effort, revealing one of the most lucrative ($325M) and widespread (400,000 attempts seen by Cyber Threat Alliance customers) ransomeware attacks ever identified (CryptoWall version 3). Invite your customers to learn more by reading the Lucrative Ransomware Attacks: Analysis of the Cryptowall Version 3 Threat report or downloading the infographic for an overview.
  • Have a security opportunity with a customer that wants to better understand today’s point of sale threats? Josh Grunzweig’s recent blog on Understanding and Preventing Point of Sale Attacks could give you exactly what you need. Read the blog.
  • Have a rapidly growing customer that needs to consider infrastructure scale in their security purchase decision? Check out the recent blog by Jonathan Lewis, On What to Think about When You’re Thinking about Scale.

What topics you’d like the scoop on next? Let us know by commenting on this blog.

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