Palo Alto Networks and AirWatch Mobile Security Alliance

Sep 22, 2015
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In an earlier blog post I mentioned that the challenge for securing mobile devices has been formidable for many organizations. The limitations that arise out of classical approaches and assumptions towards security have led to many dead ends in the era of BYOD.

By working with AirWatch by VMware, we have developed a number of technical integration points that address the challenge for securing BYOD by providing ways to secure business apps and data and stop threats while still respecting the boundaries of privacy of personal data and traffic. This type of work is only possible by bringing together our engineering teams to design features in our respective products and develop the necessary APIs to exchange the information and make the best policy decisions.

Palo Alto Networks and AirWatch by VMware have a close partnership that makes this type of interaction possible. This week, we are at AirWatch Connect 2015 in Atlanta, and proud to highlight yet another development in our relationship.

AirWatch announced the AirWatch Mobile Security Alliance, an initiative that highlights the growing concerns over mobile threats and provides AirWatch customers with trusted, tested and integrated options to provide protection. Palo Alto Networks is as a member of the AirWatch Mobile Security Alliance, and customers who depend on AirWatch to manage their mobile devices can use integration with Palo Alto Networks to inspect business traffic, stop known and unknown mobile threats, and identify mobile devices that are already infected with malware.

At AirWatch Connect, the Mobile Security Alliance is front and center as one of the major focuses around security. If you’re here at the conference, be sure to see the announcement at the keynote session and stop by and see us at the Mobility Expo. If not, you can learn more about the partnership from I look forward to seeing you here in Atlanta!

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