Ignite 2012 Overview

Nov 16, 2012
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Palo Alto Networks Ignite Conference - Tuesday General Sessions

The Palo Alto Networks Ignite Conference has come to an end. A lot has happened in two days as the conference was crowded with the largest gathering of next-generation firewall experts in the world. Take a look at the round-up of the news below and let us know what you enjoyed the most by replying in the comments section.

The Biggest Product Launch in the History of Palo Alto Networks

At Ignite Tuesday, Lee Klarich, Palo Alto Networks’ VP of product management got up on stage in front of about 800 people and described the biggest product launch the company has ever done: the VM-Series virtual firewall, the PA-3000 Series and the M-100 represent new firewall and management platforms – all of which are supported by the 60+ new features delivered in PAN-OS and Panorama 5.0. View a complete list of the new features.

Palo Alto Networks Ignite Conference - Tuesday General Sessions

Palo Alto Networks Ignite Conference - Tuesday General Sessions

New Additions to the Technology Partner Program

Also, on Tuesday we announced new additions to the Palo Alto Networks Technology Partner Program – a program committed to delivering integrated solutions that fundamentally improve network security for the enterprise..

Breakout Sessions
At the largest gathering of next-generation firewall users, attendees were thrilled to talk with industry visionaries about the future of network security. They were able to learn from successful global organizations in 30+ technical sessions. Sessions dug into everything from how people successfully deployed Palo Alto Networks as the primary firewall to how PAN-OS was used to protect an IPv6 network. Visibility, scalability and safe business enablement were just a few buzzwords being thrown out from speakers. Plus, with the new Palo Alto Networks offerings the crowd had something extra to be excited about. All presentations will be available shortly here. (Authorization information included in attendee e-mail).

Data Center of Doom Book
Choose Your Own Adventure: Data Center of Doom is a paperback and e-book that combines the mystery of Choose Your Own Adventure books with the technology behind Palo Alto Networks products. Click here to read the book online. For a secret ending, visit paloaltonetworks.com/doom.

Palo Alto Networks Ignite Conference - Wednesday

Palo Alto Networks - Ignite 2012

In all, Ignite 2012 was an event to connect with other network security leaders and share ideas with their peers. It was an event that won't be forgotten... until next time.

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